Welcome to South of Nadir

Thank you for spending some of your time at my web log. If you find anything that could help you here, or know anything that may help me I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. God Bless --- C.H.

I would also like to point out that I am not an investment advisor. I am not to be held responsible for any actions that you take based on my opinions or the content of this site. Always do your due diligence prior to making any decisions.

With that said, Enjoy what I am putting out to you and have fun today.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nothing makes an idea so real as to say it out loud

Well here we go, I guess I am now officially on record. I know it is not too late to throw my hat into the ring, nor is it technically too early. I am following the leaders, helping spread the word, attempting to "save the people" who are looking for guidance.

It will be my attempt to reach the me's out there who can not throw around thousands of dollars at a time on an investment. Those of us who still have bills to pay and are also in debt. The people who are just starting to wipe the sleep out of their eyes to see the world for what it is. The people who are taking the first steps seeking a course in self education.

I read articles posted by the well versed guru's of the investment world daily. It is a task that has come easier now that I am starting to understand the language. I have not found anyone that speaks to me or the people that I know. One of the steps to improving yourself, or becoming what you want to be, is to hang around the people who have done it and are doing it now. The gap is so big between the blind and the enlightened it is no surprise so few take the first step.

I am by no means "there". I am still looking for help and I feel that I can help others as well. The story of how I woke up to this "matrix" may come along later but this is not the time.

The time right now is for me to test the water. My first blog. It reminds me of the first ounces of silver I bought. I feel almost the same as I did driving to the first coin shop with the intent to buy.

I know what I want to do with this web log. Nothing makes an idea so real as to say it out loud. Nothing will build that idea up more as to have other people share that idea and help it grow. I am very open to feedback. I want to know where my knowledge is lacking, how to fill it, and how better to share it.

I am looking forward to this experience as I do enjoy learning and possibly helping others. This will be all for tonight, Happy Halloween, C.H.

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