Welcome to South of Nadir

Thank you for spending some of your time at my web log. If you find anything that could help you here, or know anything that may help me I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. God Bless --- C.H.

I would also like to point out that I am not an investment advisor. I am not to be held responsible for any actions that you take based on my opinions or the content of this site. Always do your due diligence prior to making any decisions.

With that said, Enjoy what I am putting out to you and have fun today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Valuable Knowledge is Power

The more that I think about what I see coming, the more I start to get nervous and anxious. What is going to happen feels so imminent to me that I want to take action immediately. I know what I am going to do and I know what I have done to prepare my family so far. That alone does not always help. To really calm myself down I look to the past just a little bit, I look to my notes, my plans, then I look at and hold my metal. If that does not do it then I look back further and further still until I am reassured that I am on the right course. Someday, I know, it will be the next day coming. None will know the day but if we are truly prepared and the day does not come in our time, it will be our children or their childrens time. We cannot educate ourselves and plan without sharing that knowledge. Pass the information that you know and learn on to everyone so that your preparation becomes theirs too. Don't forget to live you're life while your at it.

Their are many people out there who understand just what I am saying and how I feel. Unfortunately there are so many, many more who are absolutely blind to it.

That blindness is due to the lack of sharing valuable knowledge. In this day and age there is so much that we know that we don't need to, like an actors favorite color, which celebrity went out and got drunk last night, or even what your sisters boyfriends parents dog sitter just scored on a face book game. Worthless knowledge that we all eat up daily. Why does a modern teenager need to know anything about how to get milk from a cow when it's in the third aisle cooler? Why would a father of four need to know how to bring down and gut a deer when he can go to the meat market and buy as much as he wants? Why would a person need to know that Aloe is actually a plant you can grow on your window sill at home, not just an additive to a drug you buy at the pharmacy? Why would anyone need to store wealth at their house privately when you can keep dollars at your local banks computer? Go back just a hundred years or more and anyone on the planet would give you all the reasons why.

The ease of life as we know it will not last for ever. It may last through our life times and it may last through our childrens but when it ends it will be over. If this lack of valuable knowledge stretches out over a long enough time line, we as a people will be lead into surfdom and bondage by those with knowledge and power when it ends.

So what to do then? Always remember that knowledge is power. That you "know something" means nothing, how you act on, and with, that knowledge, is everything. We need to take full advantage of every opportunity available to us in this wonderful time. Right now I am at work (on lunch time) typing a letter that is being spell checked as I go, on a phone. When I am done with this letter it will be posted for anyone else in the world that has a computer to read it. I am periodically checking my stocks and world news. At any time I can call and talk to my wife or any other person that walks the globe with a cell phone. I read articles daily from people who are also willing to share valuable knowledge. What I am saying is that while we have it, use it to the best of our ability. It won't take much for it all to go away.

If you don't use your time now to learn and teach the valuable knowledge that is out there, it may be you or your children learning by experience how to grow their first garden wishing they had a weapon to protect what little comes from it, or to hunt with. Either you or your descendants will be fighting to find clean water having nothing of value to barter with. No, not tomorrow, but just lend yourself the time to play pretend. What if a piece of notebook paper is more valuable than a dollar bill. Think about it, it has room on it to write information and share knowledge while the dollar has become worthless.

Stock up on knowledge that is worth something. Buy books that may help in a time like that. You may not need to know all about hunting, fishing, gardening, bartering, sewing, medicinal herbs, or water purification right now as everything is available everywhere. Your children may never need to know that stuff either but would that not be more worth it than spending all of your time with social networking?

I gave up the 30 minute lunch time here at work that I used to play hearts with the guys, and read a book. Instead of passing up the business section in my daily paper, I read it. Rather than walking away from discussions about investments I sought them out. I did not have a clue what a hedge fund or ETF was. I never thought at the time I would hold a single ounce of gold or silver in my hand, let alone own them. I chose to learn as much as I could by myself. I did not take a mentor, I wanted to understand what I was learning, not be told. Those were the first steps that I took, they are easy and free.

Change your mind if you want to change your life. ---C.H.

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